The Latest Creations from Meg Black Studios

I’ve been working on a series of handmade paper seascapes.  Honestly, I’m not a big fan of the summer-my northern blood can’t take the heat!  But, I always love being at the water’s edge.  I’ve created each of these seascapes from the...

The Latest Creations from Meg Black Studios

I have continued to work with the Rock and Water motif.  This painting, made exclusively with handmade paper, is 40 x 40 x 2.5 inches-very large scale compared to my other work.  I love the bulk of this painting and the textured surface.  It reminds me...

Meg Black Handmade Paper Paintings: Process and technique

Pulp in small jars, ready to be applied to the surface of the painting with a plastic spoon. I love how I can use recycled materials such as plastic spoons in my work. I keep finding good use for cheap plastic spoons. I am often asked by viewers and other artists: why...

Handmade Paper Paintings: process and education

I have been a papermaker for 25 years.The question I am most frequently asked is: how do you make you handmade paper paintings? Recently, I added a page to my web site that describes my process. I decided to share it here as I have been receiving positive reviews for...

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