Jul 31, 2024 | News from the studio, Upcoming events
Visiting Martha’s Vineyard this summer? Please stop by Cousen Rose Gallery, 71 Circuit Ave. Oak Bluffs, and see my collection of artwork inspired by this lovely island. Gwen McAllister, of The Martha’s Vineyard Times wrote a review of the exhibition. Here...
May 27, 2024 | Upcoming events
In 1863, the Emancipation Proclamation Act freed Africans from slavery. Some of these former slaves became artists whose work has influenced American art to this day. This lecture highlights a few of these artists and the contributions they made to our common cultural...
May 19, 2024 | Tabloid art history
So, I get a message from a lovely woman who wanted me to paint a dahlia garden for her newly redesigned home. She shared with me that dahlias were her favorite flower as they reminded her of her mother, whom she picked dahlias for and brought them to her when her...
Mar 28, 2024 | Upcoming events
I hope you can join me for an exciting evening of art history fun facts, salacious gossip (always the case when we talk about artist), and new information to bring with you the next time you visit the MFA. This 50 minute lecture, Just what is Impressionism Anyway...
Feb 29, 2024 | News from the studio
I’m excited to share the news that Coneflowers II has been accepted into the International Association of Papermakers and Artists (IAPMA) Biennale exhibition to be held this year in Hagen, Germany. Artists from over 52 countries will be participating, including...
Feb 4, 2024 | New Artwork
First finished artwork of the new year. The Great Wave after Hokusai, 16 x 4 x 2.5 inches, (2024). The Great Wave after Hokusai(2024). The Great Wave after Hokusai(side view). As an artist and art history professor, I am influenced by historical works of art, in this...