Aug 5, 2024 | Tabloid art history
For 40 years, I taught art and architectural history, art education, and studio art at the college level. I loved my life as a professor, helping students launch their careers as artists and educators. I decided to share my knowledge in this section, Tabloid Art...
May 19, 2024 | Tabloid art history
So, I get a message from a lovely woman who wanted me to paint a dahlia garden for her newly redesigned home. She shared with me that dahlias were her favorite flower as they reminded her of her mother, whom she picked dahlias for and brought them to her when her...
Oct 24, 2023 | Tabloid art history
October 24 is United Nations Day. This day marks the anniversary in 1945 of the signing of the UN Charter, the founding document of the United Nations. The material I use to make my art, abaca, is recognized by the UN as a “future fiber” due to its ability...
Sep 18, 2023 | Tabloid art history
Did you know that asters are the official flower of September? I don’t know about you, but asters are one of my favorite flowers. Maybe because September is one of my favorite months. A little cooler but still warm and sunny, with the smell of autumn in the air....
Sep 11, 2023 | Tabloid art history
The devastating terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York on 11 September 2001killed nearly 3,000 people. Inevitably little attention focused on the art that was lost with the collapse of the buildings. But the attacks on the Twin Towers and the...
Jul 12, 2023 | Tabloid art history
Flag Day commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States which occurred on June 14, 1777, by a resolution adopted by the Second Continental Congress. It also marks the birthday of the U.S. Army which congress authorized as “the American...