Jun 17, 2022 | New Artwork, News from the studio
June Morning Light, 40 x 20 inches. Pulp painting. Private collection. Recently, I wrote about the importance of selecting the correct size artwork for a room. Here is the perfect example. Just look at how this newly installed painting completes this...
Apr 29, 2022 | News from the studio
Which Way? (2005). Pulp painting. SUNY-PresentationDownload Happy Arbor Day. The last Friday in April is devoted to planting and saving trees. This effort is at the core of the sustainability movement in architecture and design. According to United Nations...
Feb 6, 2022 | News from the studio, Tabloid art history, Upcoming events
We will continue to present annual “HerStory” exhibitions until there is a fair and equal balance of women artists represented by art museums, galleries, art book publishers, major private and public collections, auction houses, and the media. Renee Phillips, Founder...
Jan 30, 2022 | News from the studio
Very-peri. Yep, that’s the correct name. It’s an original color that is in the periwinkle family. I love the color periwinkle and use it in a lot of my work. Seascapes and nature scenes, especially gardens, have a lot of periwinkle in them, as do sunsets...
Oct 6, 2021 | News from the studio
Here is the lovely message I received from Kim Grummer, CEO of Arnold Grummer’s Papermaking. Congratulations, Meg! Kathryn Clark of Twinrocker Handmade Paper awarded your piece, Water, and Rock as Metaphor for Life’s Journey 1st Place in Arnold...