Day seven: Started working at 5:00 AM. Finally stopped at 5:00 PM. I can’t paint another rock, make up another shade of blue, worry that the waves that are crashing in front might need more waves crashing in back. I’m exhausted! I am loving the stack of...
My latest commission installed Wednesday into a private home in Gloucester, MA. I love this home-it has the charm and weathered feel of a New England home so close to the ocean. And I love the homeowner, Diane Stringer, one of my oldest and most loyal...
Day One: Ah yes, the artist’s worst dilemma and greatest challenge-the blank sheet, the raw background, the gessoed canvas. Blank, white, virgin background waiting to be turned and twisted, cared for, screamed at, manipulated and manipulating. Wanting to be...
The state of the painting as of Monday, January 18 (MKL birthday) Snowy and 23 degrees outside. The foreground on the right is taking shape while the sky imagery is in the beginning stages. Inclusion of the sails boats is still a ways off. Much work to be done but...
Loving these sunset photos from last July. Seems like a long time ago. Considering using one or both photos in my next painting. Looking forward to a productive 2016! ♥
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