Handmade paper Seascape Painting Process continued…

After the layers applied in the first two illustrations shown above have dried, I re-grid the surface of the painting and add more detailed information that follows the composition of the original photograph. Notice the brown shapely lines that move through the...

Handmade paper Seascape Painting Process continued

In this image, the water has been painted and a pinkish color added to the horizon line of the sky. I use “overbeaten” abaca for these areas. When the abaca fiber is beaten in a Hollander Beater for approximately 10 hours (instead of the more typical 1-2 hours, thus...

Handmade paper Seascape Painting Process continued

Wow, does this look ugly! The under layer of a handmade paper isn’t much to write home about. Here, the basic composition is being planned out. Note the grids that separate each section of the painting. I use red china marker for the larger squares (the painting is 40...

Seascape Painting Process

figure 1 This blog explains the process I use to create my handmade paper paintings. In this case, the painting I will create is of a seascape which will be included in an upcoming exhibit at Cove Gallery on Cape Cod. Using cotton and abaca (a fiber from the inner...

How to make handmade paper paintings-Valley Fiber Life

Valley Fiber Life, an on-line magazine for fiber arts has published an article about my pulp painting process.  The article may be accessed by visiting their web site and clicking on “Articles and Interviews” and then clicking on “Paper/Book Arts”....

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Black Meg Holding Carnations White Frame

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Black Meg Holding Carnations White Frame