With the collector of Summer’s End, a commissioned painting of dhalias that reminds her of picking flowers with her children to bring to her mother. (2024), Pulp painting, 48 x 32 x 2 inches. Private collection.
So, I get a message from a lovely woman who wanted me to paint a dahlia garden for her newly redesigned home. She shared with me that dahlias were her favorite flower as they reminded her of her mother. When her children were young, they would pick Dhallas at a local cutting garden and bring them to her mother, who would place them in a glass vase. The old-fashioned feel of the flower, and the peachy-pink tone felt nostalgic, emotional, and worthy of a commemorating in a commissioned painting.
We started out walking through the same cutting garden that featured rows of dahlias. The rows were broken up only by rows of zinnias, purple, blush, and orange. Given the composition she envisioned did not match the rows of flowers, I created an imaginary garden based on a professional photograph taken by a friend. Eventually, the composition for the painting materialized and I was ready to create the painting that reflected her memories with her mother.
A photograph from the cutting garden.
This composition did not match the vision the collector had for the painting, so I created an imagerinary garden from various sources.
The photograph that was the inspiration for the painting.
I added flowers from the photographs I took of the cutting garden and included them with this image. The final composition developed from this exercise.
Move the arrow back and forth to see the before/after image. Look at the difference the inclusion of original art makes in this space.