So glad you will be joining us! Here are a few photos from previous workshops. We always have fun, get dirty, and make some wodnerful pieces of art. I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the workshops.

Price: $145.00
In this 6-hour workshop, students will explore pulp-painting techniques using cotton and abaca fibers. Pigmenting, painting with overbeaten abaca, shrinkage properties of the different fibers, and multiple layering techniques will be covered. Each student will create a pulp painting of approximately 11 x 14 inches. 145.00.
Price: $145.00

Please join me.

Get first dibs on new artwork, papermaking workshops (spaces fill fast), complimentary art festivals tickets (save 14.00 on entry fees), and my art adventures. Let me send you splashes of color and tecture to brighten your day. 

Black Meg Holding Carnations White Frame

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