Mar 19, 2010 | New Artwork
New wall relief sculptures for Spring 2010.
Jan 5, 2010 | Pulp painting
Valley Fiber Life, an on-line magazine for fiber arts has published an article about my pulp painting process. The article may be accessed by visiting their web site and clicking on “Articles and Interviews” and then clicking on “Paper/Book Arts”....
Dec 31, 2009 | Pulp painting
Another view of the painting surface with newly applied overbeaten abaca on the
Dec 31, 2009 | Pulp painting
Overbeaten abaca refers to a fiber harvested from the inner bark of the banana tree, that has been beaten for approximately 20 hours. Abaca is a gorgeous fiber, ivory in color, that will not disintegrate when wet, which is why abaca is used to make tea bags. I...
Dec 17, 2009 | Pulp painting
The painting is laid flat on the vacuum table. Small cups of pigmented overbeaten abaca are set on top of the base painting ready to be applied to the surface. These colors will become the “paint” for the painting. I have gridded the surface so that I...
Dec 16, 2009 | Pulp painting
This painting will be a abstract seascape when complete. I will be using overbeaten abaca, cotton rag pulp, pure pigments, plastic spoons, old credit cards, screening, and yogurt cups to make this painting. The first stage of the painting is shown here. I have...