May 31, 2017 | Tabloid art history
I visited Virginia over Memorial Weekend in search of Thomas Jefferson and his philosophy about architecture as symbolic of a democratic society. The Virginia State Capitol, designed by Thomas Jefferson after the Maison Carree, an ancient Roman Temple in Nimes,...
Oct 22, 2016 | Tabloid art history
Mary Melilli, Graphic Designer, calligrapher, and Chair of the Art and Design department at Salem State University, and I collaborated on a painting inspired by the DADA movement which is “celebrating” its 100th anniversary this year. This artistic and...
Jul 13, 2015 | Tabloid art history
It was 1979 and Jimmy Carter is the President of the United States. It will be a year before John Lennon is murdered outside the Dakota Apartment building in New York City. I am a freshly minted high school senior and I have taken all of the “important”...
Jul 2, 2015 | Tabloid art history
(Left) Raphael, (1509-1511) Plato and Aristotle, (detail), The School of Athens, Vatican. (Right) Meg Black (2015) Energy Wall Relief, maquette for Call for Proposals. As an artist and art historian, I find inspiration in...
Jun 22, 2015 | Tabloid art history
On May 29, 1606, in Rome, during a brawl over a disputed score in a game of tennis, Caravaggio killed his opponent, Ranuccio Tomassoni. He then fled to Malta to avoid probable execution for his crime, but sent his painting of David holding the head of Goliath to the...