The story behind my recent commission. Learn about my commission process. 

The newly designed living room before the painting is installed.

With the collector of Summer's End.

This painting of a dahlia garden was commissioned for this newly redesigned home. Read my blog to find out more about this painting and its role in the ptron/artist relationship. 

Meg Black Coneflowers, original art gallery


Visit my painting gallery 

Meg Black Wall Sculpture original art

GIclee Prints

Visit my print gallery

Meg Black Coneflowers, original art gallery


Visit my sculpture gallery 

Abaca Wave Sculpture on Rocky Shore

Wave Sculptures

Visit my epoxy gallery

Want to learn about Impressionism? Join me for an evening of juicy tidbits and salacious gossip.

Thursday, May 23, 7:00-7:50 pm, Boxford Town Library.

New Englanders love Impressionism. And no wonder, when the Museum of Fine Arts has one of the world’s most impressive collections of Impressionist art. In this 60-minute lecture, Topsfield resident and art professor Meg Black, Ph.D., will take attendees behind the scenes by sharing the history, stories, fun facts, and assorted scandals about Impressionism and the artists who made this bohemian movement so popular. The next time attendees visit the MFA, they will be well prepared to experience the art of Impressionism.

At Musée de l'Orangerie Museum in Paris, April, 2024.

I spent a week in Paris gesring up for ths lecture. Join me for an evening with the Impressionists: Pissarro, Monet, Morisot, Cassatt, Degas, and Renoir. You’ll hear lots of juicy stories, learn some fun fscts, and catch up with other adventurious types and we ecplore this favorite school of radical and renigade artists. 

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Coneflowers has been accepted into the IAPMA Biennale Exhibiton, in Dresden, Germany. 

Coneflowers II

Coneflowers II, (2021). Private collection.

I am excited to share that Conefloers II has been accepted into the IAPMA Biennale exhibiton to be  held in Dresden, Germany, later this year. Order a print of the painting.

Photos from Greece.

I just returned from a wonderful week in Greece where I was able to see many of the treasures I had studied for so many years.  Hot!  110 degrees every day.  But, what a wonderful time I had. [gallery...

A group of people preparing food in a kitchen.

Register for a papermaking workshop.

In this 6-hour workshop, students will explore pulp-painting techniques using cotton and abaca fibers. Pigmenting, painting with overbeaten abaca, shrinkage properties of the different fibers, and multiple layering techniques will be covered in this intensive workshop. Students will become familiar with handmade paper artwork, both the artist’s as well as that of other artists, who work in this exciting and unique medium.

Workshops fill up very quickly so register today. 145.00.

“ Meg’s ability to capture the beauty of this sunrise location overwhelmed me. The joyful and calm feelings it evokes can’t be overstated. Masterful.”

Private Collector

Elegant, Delicate, and tranquil is how I would describe Meg Black’s paintings. Upon viewing Meg’s work I was encapsulated and was immediately brought to the moment portrayed in the painting. The realistic nature scenes are absolutely magical.  Any room can be uplifted with the positive energy of her pieces, they are breathtaking to say the least. The aura behind her work leaves you with a warm feeling and truly makes me feel peaceful and relaxed.

Amber, Private Collector

My pulp painting process.

Why paint with pulp? And what is pulp-painting anyway? 👩‍🎨 The ”Pulp” I use is abaca, a fiber from the inner bark of the banana tree. It is extremely strong, acid free, and holds color beautifully. Another use for abaca fiber is to make rigging for sailing vessels and tea bags (ever wonder why yea bags don’t fall apart when dipped in hot water)? 👩🏽‍🎨 If you paint with oil on canvas, there is a good chance you are using abaca. Commercial canvas of the highest quality includes abaca fiber to ensure it is strong enough to be framed without glass. 👩‍🎨But why bother using this material when commercially made paint is available? The answer is simple: texture. Nature imagery is my primary subject. And nature is full of texture. By using abaca that has a textured quality, I am able to recreate the many textures of nature in my work. From still ponds to crashing shorelines to fields of wild flowers, abaca allows me to recreate these textures on a 2D surface. 👩🏼‍🎨 My slogan “recapture the emotion of nature” comes from using this wonderfully textured material as my painting medium. Read about my process>

Let me help you complete the picture: contact me to discuss your project.

978 887 8670 or

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Get first dibs on new artwork, papermaking workshops (spaces fill fast), complimentary art festivals tickets (save 14.00 on entry fees), and my art adventures. Let me send you splashes of color and tecture to brighten your day. 

Black Meg Holding Carnations White Frame

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