Paintings of Winter in the History of Art

Winter can be dreary, cold and lacking in vibrant colors. But this has not stopped artists from finding and capturing the beauty of winter in their landscape paintings. In fact, the cool blues, smoky grey, and deep forest greens are a favorite palette for both artist...
Artistic Influences – The Golden Ratio

Artistic Influences – The Golden Ratio

This entry on artistic influence is part of an ongoing series of “How to visit an Open Studio.” I will use my final entry into this series “How to visit an open studio”, to explain how I used the Greek concept of the golden ratio in deciding on the outside dimensions...
Artistic Influences – Vincent van Gogh

Artistic Influences – Vincent van Gogh

This entry on artistic influence is part of an ongoing series of “How to visit an Open Studio.” In my last entry, I discussed the idea of artistic influence as pertaining to the idea of imitating or copying the work of other artists.  I ended the entry by stating:...
Artistic Influence

Artistic Influence

This entry on artistic influence is part of an ongoing series of “How to visit an Open Studio.” Last week I was asked “what artists have my influenced your work?” I’m pretty sure the person meant what artists do I try to imitate or copy when I’m working on a piece of...

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